Welcome to The Patriot Review!
"The Patriot Review" is an engaging and inclusive TV show hosted by Jeff Wagner. It covers a wide range of topics, including current events, politics, social trends, and pop culture. Jeff fearlessly tackles tough questions and encourages candid discussions with a diverse range of guests, fostering connections with the audience. The show aims to provide an informative and entertaining experience, leaving viewers informed, inspired, and engaged.
God bless you and may God bless America!

(Click pic for info)

My dear freedom loving Patriots. Every cent you spend allows me to continue being a voice in the fight to leave a legacy of freedom and liberty for all generations of Americans!
Every purchase, every donation, every time you tell someone new about the show you support this imperative mission!
God bless you all!

C A L L I N G A L L P A T R I O T S !
I've just launched "Operation Restore in '24!" I need Patriots like you to assist me in writing templates that highlight the issues and concerns of "We the People!" These "cut and paste" templates will be made available to Patriots to contact their representatives and demand action! If you have, or are willing to generate letter templates please contact me via email.
M A K E Y O U R V O I C E H E A R D !
1. Find your local, state and federal representatives by registering at Contact My Politician.
2. Create the content of your message (on your own or with the help of our templates). Keep the following in mind:
Include evidence or links to evidence that supports your position.
Be firm but polite!
No threats!
3. Please SHARE your examples (by emailing them to me) for use by other Patriots that share your concern.
T E M P L A T E S :
We must make it clear that our schools are not meant to create "social justice warriors". Parents rights must be paramount!
Let's put an end to censorship and shadow banning!
DEMAND the freeing of the political J6 prisoners and hold the real villians accountable!
STOP THE INVASION! Contact your representatives NOW!
Use this template to write your representative to demand accountability! This one has many uses with a little tweaking!
"We the People” have had our fill of the theft of our hard-earned money for causes we don’t support! We are appalled every time we hear a bill is passed by our “representatives” (who have not even read the bill’s content).
Use this template to write your representative to urge them to fight for fair and honest elections!
The right to self defense and defense against a tyrannical government must be preserved and SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!